Library of Ruina Urban Legend Guide - Part General and Backstreet


All-Around Helper

Definitely take Mars and Walter. The extra speed dice aside, they endure slash attacks which this abnormality excels in using.

You’ll notice all the offensive dice are blunt. That’s because the abnormality is weak to blunt. Feel free to copy this deck and give it to Mars.

General Invites

Now that we’re done with Zwei, before we progress to either side, let’s update Walter’s key page from the all-blunt deck and do some general invites. You should have plenty of “Zwei South Section 6” books, so throw one of those up to fight a trio of “Ordinary Grade 8 Fixer.”

Feel free to use any floor, but I’m using either Keter, Malkuth or Yesod. Afterwards, the next general invite is two Urban Legend Books, so “Zwei South Section 6” and the newly acquired “Book of a Grade 8 Fixer” which you should have a lot of. You’ll be fighting a trio of “Ordinary Grade 7 Fixer.”

Finally, put up three books; I’m putting up the previous two and the new “Book of Grade 7 Fixer.” A combination of Grade 7 and 8 Fixers, if you need more of their books. There is an achievement for doing all the general invites.

After burning enough books, you should have the key page for “A Grade 7 Fixer, Page 3” which is good because it has no weaknesses. It matches the HP and Stagger Resist of Mars and Walter. The only key pages better than it are Mars and arguably Walter. Let’s update the decks. 

Mars is generally updated. I’m still biased toward Commandeering, so I’m giving him one

Walter has more defensive dice, since he gets +1 power to them.

The Grade 7 Fixer has loads of pierce dice without sacrificing effectiveness.

You only get 1 floor, which is arguably the clear sign that the game is kinda done messing around. Still, you should be able to manage.

Retaliate should beat everything (yes, even Daring Decision, but that’s unlikely).

Note: If you use Keter, give Walter the “Scars” abnormality page because the 20% chance to make damage 0 isn’t exclusive to getting hit by a slash attack. It can nullify a blunt attack, saving you a bunch of HP.

The Red Shoes

If you haven’t cleared a reception while using combat pages that cost only odd numbers, then throw one together and run over to the Rats.

Instead of setting up Olga, just use Mars or Walter. It can be double Walter if you want. They endure slash damage and this abnormality will use Slash damage pretty exclusively. It’s also weak to blunt, so let’s put together a quick blunt deck you can use if the abnormality is giving you trouble.

You’ll notice I used Set Fire instead of Crush. It isn’t just me being biased, but the fight is going to be short (so the self-damage is negligible) and two librarians using Set Fire on one enemy is a great way to watch them melt.

You’ll swap back Walter decks after this for the next reception.

Stray Dogs

Two Floors. If you’re worried about this fight, prepare your first floor with the previous team, and give this Olga set up to someone on your intended second floor:

Speaking of which, let’s set up Olga real quick:

Olga will get two pages in hand every turn thanks to Margin. I know you want to use Stay Calm and stuff, but if you do that, Margin will never kick in.

Fun fact: Gamble rolls better than Crush.

Personally, I gave this to my third librarian on Keter so now all three of them have Speed. Pulsation’s risk is lowered when you can play two combat pages per turn.

If you want to separate your strength across two floors, that’s fine. You’ll need 6 prepared combat pages: Mars, Walter, Olga, and another two Walters + “Grade 7 Fixer, Page 3”

If you don’t like Walter’s weakness to blunt, swap him out to the Grade 7 Fixer, Page 3. Use the previously listed decks.

Child of the Galaxy

This is a fairly easy abnormality fight. Bring Mars and Olga, unchanged. Use Retaliate and Daring Decision to stagger them and finish them off next scene. Echoes from the Beyond can help you land that stagger or help you bounce back.


You’re done with Urban Legend! Congratulations!

Fun fact: there are two hidden general invites that require specific books to be sent out. This never happens again though.

First one is: Book of Mika, Rain and Olga.

Second one is: Book of Zulu, Dino and Gyeong-mi.